Tears to Giggles

Carol Lovelee's New Mom Stress Manual

Book Name

Tears to Giggles

Avoid New Mom Meltdowns, Calm Your Baby,


Recharge Yourself Using Simple Natural Solutions

Having a new baby is supposed to be a wonderfully joyful time in any parent’s life. So why are you often so overwhelmed that you don’t know what to do? Why do so many conflicting feelings pop up as you try to ride the legendary “new mom roller coaster,” careening from smiles of happy bliss to tears of bewildered frustration? Where is the stop button? It can seem like there is no end in sight. In your exhaustion, you may feel you’re pretty unprepared for this new mom thing. Why, why won’t your baby stop crying?

At stressful times like these, it’s easy to get swept up in negative thoughts. Maybe my baby hates me. Maybe I’m just a terrible mom. Everybody else makes it look so easy. What’s wrong with me? Why is this “New Mom” gig so hard? Well, take heart. Help is at hand: “Tears to Giggles” gives you the essential, life-changing tools you’ve been needing to go from desperate and overwhelmed to confident and empowered, showing you how to navigate all the ups and downs of new motherhood along the way.

The secrets you’re about to read have never been tailored to the needs of new moms in easy, practical ways. The tips and tools you’ll learn have been taught and valued in many cultures for centuries-because they work. Nothing you’re about to learn is brand new. The time has now come for ancient wisdom and our modern scientific world to meld.

“Tears to Giggles” brings you concise, hands-on techniques that are easy to understand. You can also watch short how-to videos online that are designed to complement the instructions in the book. I took into account that new moms don’t usually have hours to read and watch videos. You will be able to quickly learn several new techniques in just a few minutes. Often that is all that is needed to calm you or your baby.

Carol’s goal is to help new moms make the most of their new experience
so they can build a thriving emotional connection with their new babiess

Carol's goal is to help new moms make the most of their new experience so they can build a thriving emotional connection with their new babies.

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