Events Schedule

Fall Equinox Celebration 9/22/2024

The Fall Equinox energies of universal equilibrium and balance, set the stage of inner preparation toward more ease and grace in our life.

We will honor the Fall Equinox by harvesting your inner fruits of awareness and finding gratitude for the seeds that we have both reaped and sown. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

All mistakes become beautiful lessons when we hold gratitude in our hearts for what helped us grow and what we released.

Our soul is replenished by the abundance of the Fall harvest in our life. We will celebrate with the sharing, becoming one with nature, and a meditation with all the beautiful helpers from the unseen realms and magic.

May your inner and outer harvest be bountiful!

Join us for the Fall Equinox Celebration on 9/22/24, at 1-3pm, Fee: $25. It will be held this year outside at Hyland Lake Park Reserve, 10145 E Bush Lake Road, Bloomington, MN.

Drive straight ahead toward the main park building, turning left just before the main parking lot. There is a sign pointing towards Jan’s Place. Go to the end of the road, and you will see at small building called Jan’s Place. Park and walk past the building & down the path toward the lake. We will be in a circle under the trees.

Bring a water bottle, drum, rattle, crystal or stone, chair, and blanket.

If it rains, if you are registered you will receive an email with an inside location that day. I will also post this on my events page, and my facebook page that day


Wellness & Quantum Exploration Class Level 1

Wellness & Quantum Exploration Lev 1,  Healing tools for life!

This fall I will be teaching a New Wellness Class that will offers not only Wellness Tools, but will also dive into all things Quantum. I have some students that are interested in both of these paths, so I will split the 6 session class time, between these two areas of interest.

For 3 of the classes we will focus on a variety of hand-on healing techniques designed to expose you to many different healing modalities. This will assist you to deepen your connection to all the amazing energy fields that are parts of you, from the inside-out. You may of heard of chakras, energy meridians, your aura, or radiant circuits of joy, and so many more, but now you want to know more. 

The remaining 3 weeks we explore the Quantum Field of the unseen energies. Who are our guides, are high self, and so much more. How do we connect, and what can they help us with. We also explore the history of the quantum field, new aspects of the field, how we can connect with and use the field every day to live a higher dimensional life based in love.

You will be part of a small ongoing group. Each of the 6 classes is divided into new information, practice, experiential processes and meditations.  We will focus on how to manifest energy shifts using the field of all possibilities.

We are all making conscious or unconscious choices in every moment that affect our health, finances, relationships, and well being. What if you learned to tap into the field in ways that shifted and enhanced your life?  What if you were part of an on-going group energy that increased the potentials of these new shifts and possibilities?

If this has peaked your curiosity, sign up now. The first 8 people to say YES are in for an incredible journey. This will not be a drop in class. It is only for those who commit to the ongoing closed group. The class includes 6 sessions, from 7-9, the fee is $150. Level 1 class dates are 9/18, 9/25, 10/9, 10/23, 11/6, 11/20. 

If you are sick or out of town one week, you will be able to join us on zoom. Everyone receives the class notes and any video recordings from each class. 6 session 

Wellness Class Level 2

Wellness Class, Level 2, Energy Meridians & more  (Wellness Class, Level 1 is a pre-requisite for Lev 2)

In the Level 2 Wellness Class we will focus on the energy meridians of the body and how the interact with and influence the other major energy systems in your energy body. The meridians are often described as superhighways that direct the flow of energy through the body’s systems. Meridians flow back and forth to every major system in the body. Unfortunately, these channels can get blocked for a variety of reasons, including stress, injury, extreme temperatures, anxiety, depression, and pain.

In fact, all our body parts and functions are intricately interrelated. The energies in the meridians go far beyond the organs which they are named after. 

This 6 week class will offers a wealth of information on a variety topics that will answer your many questions about “what and how’s” of energy meridians. You will also learn hand-on techniques designed to assist you in accessing, rebalancing, and restoring a healthy flow to energy meridians. I will also cover the energy meridians affect the chakras, your organs, your aura, or radiant circuits of joy, and so many more. Each class has a different focus to deepen your connection to the energy meridians and all the amazing energy fields that are parts of you. You will be learning about you from the inside-out. Learning in a group gives you plenty of time to learn & have fun practicing on your classmates.

 Carving out this time for yourself can lead to the greatest rewards in your life.

Each 2 hour class is small ongoing class, divided into new information & experiential processes.

If this has peaked your curiosity, sign up now. The first 8 people to say YES are in for an incredible journey. This will not be a drop in class. It is only for those who commit to the ongoing closed group. The class includes 6 sessions, 7-9, the fee is $150. Class dates for level 2 are 9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5.

Intuitive Quantum Exploration

“Intuitive Quantum Exploration   Advanced Class Fall 2024”


7:00-9:00pm     Fee: $75 

Intuitive Quantum Exploration Advanced  (level 1, 2, & 3 are pre-requisites for this class)

Fall 2024 

I am also teaching Intuitive Quantum, Advanced this Fall. The beginning level 1, 2, 3, are prerequisites for this class. In level one we explored many new aspects of the quantum field available to us now.  In level 2 we looked at the quantum aspects of self; the Soul, High Self, Innate Wisdom, the spark of creator energy within all of us. In level 3 we took a deep dive into experiencing the unseen Star Nation and elemental energies. The energies with in and around us are now helping, more than ever, to help us create the life we choose.  What do they have to offer humanity and why?

In this Advanced level it is time to take everything we have learned and put it into practice. You still learn a few things along the way, yet the focus now is on… Connecting with Your Authentic Spirit – Practicing how to free yourself from outdated versions of yourself & life, to connect with your Spirit and create the life you desire today. Practice in a cohesive group of friends who are open to having more of the “Good Stuff” that life has to offer is Amazing!

By saying YES you are in for another incredible journey! Like the previous classes this will not be a drop in class. It is only for those who commit to the ongoing closed group. The class includes 3 sessions, Fee is $75. Class dates for Advanced Class are 9/30, 10/28, 11/25.

Reiki Classes

Reiki 1 Class

New Class Sun Nov 3, 9-5, Fee is $150.  South Minneapolis, MN (address emailed at sign up)

Reiki 2 Class

If you are interested in Reiki 2, please let me know. 

Reiki I Class 

Curious about what Reiki is all about? Want to increase your intuitive Skills? Are you wanting to learn a hands-on healing modality? Then this Reiki I certification class is for you. 

Reiki is a an amazingly simple, natural and safe method that everyone can use on themselves or others. Yet, it is powerful in it’s ability to promote healing. Reiki has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect.

For 25+ years, Carol, has successfully taught hundreds of people of all ages and backgrounds, the beauty of Reiki. Join in Today and experience 1st hand what all the excitement is about!

Reiki II Class

In Reiki II you learn ancient symbols that increase the amount of energy you can channel, work specifically with the emotional body, and provide distance healing sessions. If you are ready to enhance your Reiki practice and take it to the next level, this is the class for you. You will find that at this next level your ability to direct the energy using the symbols will boost your confidence and perhaps deepen your connection to your high self & inner healer.  Most Reiki Practitioners wait until they have completed Reiki II before using Reiki professionally,

Classes held at Lake Harriett Spiritual Community

I will be leading Mediation, the 3rd Tuesday every month,
in-person, 7-8:30pm, at LHSC
Fee: $20 (a portion of the fee goes to LHSC) You can just show up and pay at the door.

There are many ways to navigate & calm the fear & uncertainty. To feel centered & calm.

Has we come together energetically we form a powerful beacon of light and transformation. We are each being asked clear the old patterns of fear, so we can shine brightly with the energy of love. If time allows I might also include a few helpful energy techniques to release, calm, ground, and strengthen your energy field depending on the needs of the group.

The world needs you now, more than ever. This is the way to show up powerfully for yourself, your family, your community, and the world.

Wellness Healing Circle at Harriet Spiritual Community

2nd Thursday, 7-8:30pm
 Fee: $10

If you have something contagious, Please stay home so we can provide a safe environment for everyone in circle. Thanks

Would you enjoy sharing the healing modalities that you are certified in with other healers? Or perhaps those from the Lake Harriet Spiritual Community who are in need of help? If so join us in the Wellness Healing Circle, as we provide a safe space for short group healings. 

Do you have something you need help healing? You can join us each month as we gather to learn, and balance our energies, and have a bit of fun! No need to register you can just show up, and pay at the door.

Dive in... Learn to Balance & Enhance Your Energy!

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