Gifting you with a Holiday Gift for you or your loved ones! Nothing says “Thinking of You”, “Happy Holidays” or “Thank You for all You Do”, quite like the gift of relaxation in high energy vibrations of Love. It is my gift to everyone for the Holiday!!! You can purchase up to 3 Gift Certificates with the coupon code GIFT before 11/30/24 and save 20% on each. You can of course use those Certificates for yourself, or Gift them to others. Everyone can use the booking code on the Certificate to book their own sessions. It is pretty easy. Let me know if you have questions.
Just be aware that if you are buying for 3 different people it would be better to do one at a time. Each purchase is assigned a code so if you buy three at one time you will only receive one code. If that works for you then do them all at once. The system will keep track of when you use them & let you know what you have left, if you do it this way. Either way works.
If you would rather just book a 1 hour session you, can use the code CRYSTAL to receive your 20% off. You can make your appointment for whenever you would like, but remember you have to book before 11/30/24 for the 20% offYou can also book an appointment & use the GIFT code to buy Certificates. This a once a year Gift to assist in spreading the magic of energy work to you and your friends.
This coupon can only be used toward a 1 hour Intuitive or Crystal Balancing Energy Session!
Quantum Energy Crystal Balancing Sessions
Crystal Balancing System

Private Session with Crystals
I added one more type of private hands-on healing sessions, using the Crystal Balancing System, and I am pretty excited. I am now offering private sessions with a set of 40+ crystals under the massage table sharing amazing healing energies directly with you during your session. I have to say that my experience receiving this energy has been pretty amazing. I will still be intuitively directing the energies during your session.
While this new addition is fairly new, I feel it would be good for someone who has an issue that has been difficult to shift. My example for myself concerns ongoing pain in my upper back. After each session I noticed less pain that just keeps getting better with each session. This type of session is listed as hands-on Crystal Table Session on my booking page.

Sacred Geometric Gold Disc
In October 2023, I added the Sacred Geometric Gold Discs to private sessions. The energies that people have been experiencing when these discs are placed on the body during a session have been amazing. These geometric shapes are ancient. With intention we tap into the morphic field of energy that has been amplified over time. Just one more tool to help bring balance to your body and life.

Crystal Programed Just for You
When we program a crystal and ask it to help restore balance to the body, nature, or the quantum field, it amplifies, strengthens, and streamlines the energy toward a specific target. Some are targeted toward specific organs, & diseases. Others toward emotions like less fear and more love. The potency of water, and food is also addressed. Within the Crystal Balancing Protocol, the list is very comprehensive.
We can also program a crystal with beautiful energy vibes just for you. With intuitive guidance we can tap into what you need to restore health, vitality, and become more of the bright beautiful energy that you are. Geometric shapes, colors, earth energies, and light language activations and so much more, are all used to program your crystal. Once your crystal of programed it will send you loving and balancing energy 24/7. It is a beautiful way to expand your life, in ways you can’t even imagine.

Crystal Energies 24/7 for You
This next type of session, that I have been providing since last spring, connects you with the 24/7 “Crystal Balancing Protocol” energies from the crystal plates. The crystals connect with the your innate healing wisdom, and will send energy frequencies, using the quantum field of all potentials.
Your body’s innate wisdom is always attempting to bring balance to your energy system to promote health & well-being. During your private session I tap into your innate using my intuitive abilities & energy testing to discover what energies are out of balance in your life; including your health, emotions, and busy mind. These unbalance energies may be causing a disruption in your emotions, a health issue, or feelings of chaos & confusion in your life.
I will energy test the frequencies that are needed to restore balance in your energy, body, and life. With this information I connect you with the programed energy tools and crystal clusters with a picture of your face (without glasses) and your date of birth. This will allow the crystals to send vibrations through the quantum field to you 24/7. These frequencies will help restore balance in the places that have been carrying disruption in your energy field.
Some shifts with this Quantum energy modality are more immediate and others are subtle or internal and happen over time.
One month of 24/7 energy is sent after your initial session. During this time you will receive one short follow up with me to see how you are doing. Any needed adjustments will be made.
Monthly Subscription to continue the 24/7 energies.
A monthly fee of $10 will keep you receiving the 24/7 energies.
You can also schedule a 60 min or a 30 min follow up appointment to check-in at any time
How can the Crystal Balancing System Help You?
Both types of sessions can be related to your unresolved health issues, relationship dynamics, work or financial challenges, home and property clearings, and spiritual expansion. Every session is unique and intuitively guided to assist and support you. I know this is a lot of reading but I didn’t want you to miss out of what this energy broadcast system can assist you with, in your life!
How can this modality help you…Your energy sessions are designed to help you expand and re-calibrate your subtle energy systems so you can feel centered, relaxed, and confident. Your body’s innate wisdom is always attempting to bring balance to your energy system to promote health & well-being. the first type of hands-on session needs to be done in-person. The second type of 24/7 energy sessions can be in-person or using Zoom, Facetime, or Skype, from the comfort of your home,
Retraining your energies to a balanced, healthy flow will help you move you from confused, unwell, and tired to vibrant, happy and at peace. When you feel better, are rested and nourished, you are naturally just happier & content with your life.
In order to be healthy and vibrant we all need a healthy balance energy field. Your field is made up of a subtle energy system that sends and receives energy from the world around you all day long. The programed energy tools and crystals are simply sending new specific higher frequencies of energy to you. This can help you restore balance, calm, and health.
What do you need to do… the beauty of this modality is in the simplicity. You don’t really need to do anything. With the hands-on method, you just bask in the energy the crystals are sending you during your session, then let your energy field integrate what you need from those frequencies. With the 24/7 energy your picture and birthdate allows the quantum field to connect you with the frequencies & shifts that are being broadcast specifically to you. Of course if you make an intention to accept the energy, and are grateful for the shifts you start to feel and see, it works even better.
What kind of shift can I expect… Like many things in life there are know guarantees in how you will perceive the energy frequencies or even the changes in your life. What many have witnessed is; feeling more peaceful, more energy to get through the day, decreased pain levels, healthier digestion track, feeling lighter, better sleep, physical symptoms you may have had for years improving. Healthier relationships and stronger connections with family, friends, and coworkers. A general feeling of peace and calm and well-being.

Kitchen Crystal to Reset Your Food & Water Vibes
What about your food, water, home, property… There are also protocols that can help you clear your food, home and property of challenging energies. There is a whole host of toxic energies affecting the health of our food, water, air, home plants, & soil. Just recently I lived for a brief time close to a transmitter for a business near my home. I felt so much better as soon as I moved. We can’t always move, and we can’t always secure water and food that is as vibrant and healthy as our body needs. We are also constantly being bombarded by Electrical Magnetic Frequencies, EMF’s from our cell phones, computers, microwaves, TV’s, it is all around us and affects our healthy vibration every day.
You can purchase a programed crystal that can assist in clearing toxins from your water and food. It also raises the vibration of the food and water in a way that promotes a healthy body. Thirty minutes after you bring food into your home it can be a much higher vibration.
You can also purchase a programed Food Blessing Card that is part of the system. You can put the card under your cell phone cover to assist in raising the vibration of your food, if you are away from home. You could simply place it close to your plate for several minutes before you eat your meal. You can also add an EMF neutralizer to the Food Blessing Card to assist in decreasing the ongoing challenges on your body and your life from these disruptive EMF vibrations. You can also use the EMF neutralizers on your computer and tablets.
This picture is of both sides of one card with the Food Blessing on one side and the EMF neutralizers on the other.
To Good to be True...
Sounds to good to be true… I hear you. I am not easily impressed when it comes to energy modalities. I have studied many, dabbled with many more. What I do know to be true is that when we drop into the zero point field of love in our hearts and connect with the Quantum Field of all potentials & possibilities around us, that is when the magic happens. I have watched the magic happen for me and others using this modality and I am impressed. Know guarantees, due to the human factor and your free choice, but impressed I am. I shared a few tidbits about my journey in this blog post “Can Crystals Help Us Heal”.
If you are ready you can book an appointment here.